Student Chapters

Evolving Space aims to create a network of student-led communities across multiple universities that will engage in activities such as seminars, workshops, hackathons, projects and more via Web3 or other emerging technologies. These student chapters provide a platform for students to develop their skills, explore their interests, and connect with like-minded individuals, enhance their academic and professional development and gain the practical skills necessary to make a positive impact in their respective fields. This initiative is about structuring a talent pipeline of future thought and tech leaders for Puerto Rico.

Community Roles


Participating students will take the path of BUIDLERS, they will be trained and presented with opportunities to lead, instruct and support others towards Web3 adoption.

Some of the benefits include:
  • Learn and connect with other likeminded individuals.
  • A platform to help shape and execute your ideas
  • Leadership opportunities and professional exposure
  • Participate in cutting edge research or community projects


Designated supporters with academic pedigree will serve as CATALYSTS that will champion Web3 activities. They will provide guidance on how these technologies can be applied in special projects and how Web3 can integrate educational coursework.

Some of the benefits include:
  • Monthly newsletter of Evolving Space events and development
  • Access to the network of collaborating organizations and companies.
  • Technical assistance for research endeavors


Specialists from ALL disciplines are welcome to be part of the community as BOOSTERS to learn, support and work alongside the student chapters to support the Web3 movement and grow their own personal brands. These can range from marketers, developers, speakers, artists etc.

Some of the benefits include:
  • Seminar logistics support
  • Access to the Evolving Space network
  • Tax deductions for in-kind sponsorships.

A few things to know...

We're living in the early stages of what most people imagine as
Here are a few common questions with answers to give you some perspective.

What is Web3?

Think of Web3 as the next frontier of the internet, it's like a new layer of applications where data and assets are decentralized, transparent and secured. It runs on distributed ledger technology (DLT), which enables users to interact with each other directly unlike most Web2 services which require some email sign-in, identification or authorization.

What is Blockchain?

Picture a giant Lego tower, made up of thousands of individual blocks stacked on top of each other. Blockchain is like a digital version of that tower, where each block contains a piece of information that's linked to the blocks before and after it. That creates a super-secure and tamper-proof chain of information that can't be easily altered or destroyed. It's what makes cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin possible, and it's also being used to revolutionize everything from voting to supply chain management. Blockchain technologies operate through digital cryptographic keys that are automatically assigned to each digital wallet, transaction or asset, hence eliminating the need for intermediaries like banks, social media platforms or other gatekeepers.

Why Cryptocurrencies or "Crypto" for short?

You can think of each cryptocurrency project as a unique digital investment framework with its own set of rules and clues on how to unlock more coins. Some coins are easier to acquire than others, and the rewards can vary greatly depending on their use-case, the team behind it and how many people are invested in the problem-solving idea it represents. Moreover, Cryptocurrencies are like a treasure hunt with many phases and a LOT of competition. Do your Own Research when it comes to Crypto because as there are great opportunities, there's also room for bad actors.

Why should you care?

Web3 and blockchain technologies will eventually integrate with a multitude of other innovative technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud Computing, to create a seamless and decentralized ecosystem that facilitates secure and transparent value exchange, data management, and digital identity.

Your part in all of this?

THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE! For a better future to happen at the right pace, there should be a devoted network of capable and passionate individuals that can support the development of these emerging technologies and help facilitate all the benefits they can enable.

Steps for Chapter Creation

Everything that needs to happen to create and launch an Evolving Space student chapter in your institution. If you are a student, a professor or a professional in any field you are invited to be part of the movement.

Apply now!

  • Contact info
  • Experience
  • Interests
  • Motivation

Tell us about yourself. Where are you based, where you work or study, and how to reach you so that we keep you in the loop for future advances.

Let others know!

  • Students
  • Faculty members
  • Specialists
  • Artists

We need to target areas where the most interested participants can be grouped and can commit to periodic in-person activities.

Pre-Launch Meeting

  • Program briefing
  • Nomination protocols
  • Chapter creation

You will meet with the Evolving Space officers, they will provide a robust plan to accomplish the objectives and all that is required to accomplish them.

Chapter Launch Event

  • Ideate
  • Coordinate
  • Execute

This event could be composed of a training seminar, meetup or any activity where the potential of Web3 can be properly displayed.

Program Vision

To group Puerto Rican students and professionals into teams working towards a brighter future, through multidisciplinary projects, local industry and the integration of Web3 applications.
Let's buidl a better tomorrow for Puerto Rico, together